The Reverend T.J. Thigpen
In 2012 T.J. moved to Maryland and began attending St. Andrew’s. Under its ministry, he was ordained as a priest in the Diocese of Christ our Hope in 2018 and then became rector of St. Andrew’s in 2020.
Originally from Georgia, T.J. spent eight years doing missions work with his family in Russia and also spent two years teaching English in Taiwan. He holds a B.A. from Columbia International University and an M.A. from St. John’s College. He has been married to Shuey since 2012 and they have four children.
The Reverend Philip Lyman
Rector Emeritus
Fr. Phil Lyman moved to Maryland in 2007 to serve as chaplain, Bible teacher, and cross country coach at Annapolis Area Christian School. With the encouragement of Bishop Alexis Balindabagabo of Rwanda, and the support of a dedicated core group, in 2008 he was led to plant an Anglican church in the Annapolis area.
A native New Englander (living in exile), Phil was educated at Princeton University and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He has served in parish and campus ministry in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Maryland and with short term missions in East Africa and Central America. Phil has been married to Mimi since 1978 and they have five children and fifteen (and counting!) grandchildren.
Dr. Cindy Bauchspies
Music Director
Cindy has been at St. Andrews since its inception in 2008. She loves empowering people to praise God through music. An award winning songwriter, pianist, choral conductor and arranger, Cindy holds a D.M.A. in choral conducting from the University of Maryland and has recorded two albums. She has conducted choirs of all ages, and developed choral programs at both the Annapolis Area Christian School and the United States Naval Academy that garnered national and international accolades.
In 1993 she made the best decision of her life and married Todd Bauchspies. Todd, an acoustic finger style guitarist, provides original music for our Eucharist service each week.
When there’s not a worldwide pandemic, Cindy and Todd perform frequently at local venues.