We believe that children are among God’s greatest blessings. In having, caring for, and raising children, we share in God’s creative and nurturing character. We also believe that God ordained the family to be the primary place of children’s instruction and growth in the faith. Rather than taking children out of the family setting to instruct them in the faith, it is our goal to strengthen families to raise their children in the love and fear of God. We do this by forming a community in which families have the opportunity to worship God and learn more about him together, sharing our struggles and joys with each other as we encourage one another and model for our children love of God and neighbor. While our children are encouraged to join in the regular worship and work of the church, we also set apart times as a church to focus more intentionally on our children, letting them know they are an important part of the family of God. These include cycles of Sunday School throughout the year and children's chapel during the sermon for children second grade and below. During these times we seek to use the riches of Scripture and our Anglican liturgy draw our children into the truth, goodness, and beauty of God.
When Jesus’ corporeal body ascended into heaven he left his corporate body, the church, to continue his mission on earth by bearing witness of him in “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). In obedience to his command and because of our love and gratitude for the health and salvation he has given us, we seek to share the good news of Jesus with a world in need. St. Andrew’s supports and engages in ministries, both local and around the world, that seek to meet people’s spiritual and physical needs. By assisting food banks and homeless shelters, working with local pregnancy clinics, seeking to meet individual needs in our community, and supporting missionaries in the U.S. and around the world, St. Andrew’s tries to do its part to continue the mission of Jesus on earth.
While some of our missions partners work in places or in ministries that are too sensitive to list, below are some of the organization with whom we have partnered.
Christian Assistance Program (CAP)
CAP provides food and clothing to the needy in Anne Arundel County
Wellspring Life Ministry is a faith-based, medical non-profit serving those facing pregnancy-related and sexual health issues by offering physical, emotional, and spiritual support and empowering them to make healthy and life-affirming decisions.
Focus is a ministry aimed at helping middle and high school students discover the reality of faith through on-campus ministries and summer camps.
The mission of Light House is to rebuild lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward employment, housing, and self-sufficiency.
Heart for Refugees seeks to put God's love into action by assisting the refugee community in Maryland find hope and friendship as they re-establish their lives in the U.S.
United States
This fund supports the Jurisdiction of the Armed forces and Chaplaincy which oversees those who serve in U.S. military, other federal and local government, hospital and hospice, law enforcement and other vocational and volunteer chaplaincies.
Church’s Ministry among Jewish People works inter-denominationally with congregations, carrying out our mission to combat anti-Semitism, increase awareness of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, and foster respectful dialogue between Jews and Christians about our common and divergent beliefs.
New Wineskins Missionary Network
New Wineskins seeks to mobilize Anglicans for authentic-cross cultural partnerships around the world.
Via Ministries works to help the people on the San Carlos Apache Reservation by bringing them the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
St. Andrew’s partners with a number of individuals and families serving in places such as Central Asia, North Africa, Southeast Asia, Ukraine, and Central America. Some of the organizations represented in our global outreach are listed below.
AFM is a missionary society that sends missionaries to plant indigenous churches among the largest and least evangelized peoples in the world. Not only does St. Andrew’s support the home office in the U.S., we also support several cross-cultural workers sent out through AFM.
Barnabas Aid seeks to provide hope and aid to the persecuted church throughout the world.
TEAM is an organization that focuses on strategically and collaboratively planting churches where the most need exists.
Samaritan’s Purse—Operation Christmas Child
St. Andrew’s participates in this project to help children in need around the world receive a gift during Christmas and hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Wycliffe works among people groups that do not yet have a copy of the Bible in their own language. Their teams translate the Bible so that more people can read God’s Word.
YWAM is a missions training and sending organization. While originally focused on mobilizing youth in missions, it now works with people of all ages to spread the gospel.