Worship At St. Andrews
Our services at St. Andrew’s follow the traditional Anglican liturgy as found in the Anglican Church in North America’s Book of Common Prayer (2019). This service is split into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Holy Communion). In the Liturgy of the Word we give thanks to God for his revelation of himself to us in the Bible. We read together passages from the Bible and listen a sermon from these passages. We respond to the Scripture by proclaiming our faith through the Nicene Creed, praying for God’s work in the world, confessing our sins, receiving the great blessing of God’s forgiveness, and sharing the peace of God with one another.
In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we begin by joyfully bringing our offerings before God. Then follows our remembrance of God’s gift to us by recounting the story of Christ’s redemption as we consecrate communion. All those who are baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, including children, are invited to receive the bread (regular or gluten free) and wine, thereby receiving the grace of God that brings us into communion with both God and fellow believers.
Liturgy means “work of the people”, and throughout the service the congregation is invited to participate in this work by singing, reading, responding, sharing, and receiving Christ. In standing, kneeling, speaking, listening, making the sign of the cross, approaching the table and reaching out to receive communion, we use our bodies as well as our minds to remember the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who are new to it may find that it takes a while to learn the steps of this great “dance”, but we are happy to help people learn and discover the beauties of the liturgy.
We love our children and welcome their participation in the service as well, even if this leads to a good bit of “holy noise” in the service. However, during the sermon we do offer a nursery and children's chapel for children second grade and below.
Following the service we have a coffee hour to provide a time of fellowship. We also share a potluck lunch on the first Sunday of the month.